An Opportunity to Get Involved!

The Guilford GOP will be having its annual Precinct and District Organizational meeting on Saturday, Feb 20, 2021, at 9 am. The venue will be Charity Baptist Church Gymnasium at 4079 Battleground Ave, Greensboro. If the results of the 2020 election have left you feeling "some kinda way" about where we may be headed as a county, state, and nation, THIS meeting is the perfect opportunity to show up and get involved. What will we be doing? The main purpose of this meeting is to decide on who will be the Precinct and District chairs for the upcoming cycle. It is where the grassroots really take root as you get to meet the people you will be working with over the next couple of years in trying to grow the party and get our candidates elected both locally and nationally. What do you need to bring? Primarily a willingness to get involved, perhaps a notebook and pencil as well. It will help if you know what your voting Precinct is in Guilford County, but honestly, if you don't know what it is, we can look it up for you. 

Precinct Meeting Info