Chairman's Club Frequently Asked Questions:
How long will my monthly donations continue?
Monthly donations will continue after Election Day 2024 until you alert the county party that you wish to end your donation.
What happens if my banking information changes or my credit card expires?
You will get an email that your credit card or banking information was declined and will have a chance to update your information before your membership expires.
I may want a different name to show on the Chairman’s Club membership list. What should I do?
You will write your own name on the Roster Board at the County Party Headquarters. This board may also be available at Party meetings and some events.
Does my name have to be my real name?
You can pick your name, your initials, or a Freedom-loving “handle” (nickname) for your listing! (Ex: MegaMAGA or #1 Patriot) The Chairman of the Guilford County Republican Party reserves the right to refuse a name listing that is considered inappropriate. Donor will be contacted to give an appropriate listing.
Other than the Roster, what kind of recognition will there be?
The Chairman is a really fun person and reserves the right to announce any recognition, awards, or prizes at a later date. (He just needs some time to dream them up!)
I love the Party, but what if I just can’t afford to donate?
The Party loves you, too! The Chairman reserves the right to grant membership in the Chairman’s club to any party member/volunteer who goes above and beyond in service to the party, regardless of their ability to donate. You may submit your name for consideration to the Chairman.
Where will my money go?
Your Guilford County Republican Party is very frugal and makes every dollar beg for mercy! The Guilford County GOP is governed locally by an Executive Board and Committee that approves an itemized budget each year. All donations are unrestricted and will be used as approved for the Guilford County Republican Party annual budget.
What if I want to give more than $24 a month?
YAY! Please do! Donors that give at higher levels will be given additional designations to be determined on an individual basis to include, but not limited to:
- $240 month (prepaid sponsorship of 2024 Lincoln-Reagan Dinner at Gold Level for 6)
- $2400 month (prepaid sponsorship of 2024 Lincoln-Reagan Dinner at Diamond Level for 10, and headquarters named after them for term of their monthly donation.)
What if there is a problem or a concern not addressed here?
Any problems, concerns, corrections, or changes regarding the program should be addressed to the Treasurer of the Guilford County Republican Party or by email at [email protected].